Brightwood Adventures Wiki

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Basic Series Info[]

Opened by:

  • Gaining Level 6


  • Series: Friendship Center


  • Craftworks/Buildings/Houses/Decor/Trees/Crops:
  • Craftworks/Buildings/Houses/Decor/Trees/Crops:

Standard Rewards:

  • +100 Coins, +20 Exp (Note: Both quests in the Series also give +1 Axe, but is not considered Standard due to the Bottleneck nature of Axes)

Total Additional Rewards:

  • +2 Axe

Bottleneck Items:

  • N/A


  • Previous version from the wiki reports reward of 5 axes. Information does not match newer info (from Quests: Working Copy) and so that reward may be obsolete. Darn.

Being Social! (Extended Walkthrough)[]

Aunty El's Village[]

Series: Being Social! 1.Aunty El's Village
Opened by: Gaining Level 6

Notes: Opens: N/A

Aunty El: I love visiting your Village. Won't you come visit mine? I'm sure you'll love it!
Visit Aunty El's Village!
  • Tap the Social icon in the bottom right corner to visit Aunty El's Village.

Collect 4 gifts from Aunty El's Village.

  • Tap the Social icon in the bottom right corner, then tap the Visit Neighbors tab to visit Aunty El's Village and collect gifts!
Aunty El: Thanks for visiting my town, dear. Stop by more often, I'll have new gifts for you daily!
Quest Complete!
  • (Closing Commentary ??)

Reward: Standard +1 Axe

Inviting Friends[]

Series: Being Social! 2.Inviting Friends
Hint: Invite as many Neighbors as you can, not just the required number. The more Neighbors you have, the better.

Opens: Series: Friendship Center

Aunty El: The more the merrier, dear. It's quiet in our neck of the woods, but there's much liveliness if you look for it. Let's find more neighbors!
Register for Kiwi Community!
  • Tap the Social icon in the bottom right corner, then tap the Add Neighbors tab to register for the Kiwi Community.

Invite 3 friends to be your new Neighbors and receive 1 FREE Axe!

  • Tap the Social icon in the bottom right corner, then tap the Add Neighbors tab to invite more neighbors.
Aunty El: And now we wait. When you have an inviting spirit, you will be surrounded with neighborly friends!
Quest Complete!
  • (Closing Commentary ??)

Reward: Standard +1 Axe

older version[]

from Being_Social

Quest Requirements: None

Given after: reaching Experience Level 6

In this Quest you will connect with other players, making them your Neighbors, and get bonus Axes for doing so. In addition to Coins and XP, you will receive items only available from Neighbors, such as the BA Flag and Friendship Bracelet. Collect these items by visiting other players' villages once per day, and when you still don't have enough of the item, just send out a request and watch them show up just for the asking!

You can complete this Quest immediately after receiving it, and should do so for the reward of 5 Axes, if nothing else.

Aunty El's Village[]

  • Visit Aunty El's Village
  • Collect 4 Gifts

Inviting Friends[]

  • Register with Kiwi Community
  • Invite 5 players to be your neighbors.
  • Hint: Invite 10, the maximum allowed.
  • Reward: 5 Axes!